The twinning among Transpersonal Institutes to an international level belongs to a project of scientific and cultural interchange which want to lead the establishment of a Transpersonal Training Academy.
Integral Transpersonal Institute is affiliated with the following international institutions:
TerviklikMina OuAASA
4 Valga ValgamaEstonia
LatvianTranspersonalPsychologyand PsychotherapyAssociation
Pilskalnuiela5, Mārupe, Mārupesnovads, LV-2167, Latvia
Moldavian Transpersonal Association
Bd.MirceacelBatrin, 23-81, Chisinau 2075, Moldova
Romanian Association For Psychological Knowledge and Intervention (ARCIP)
Constanta, str. Stefan eelMare nr. 78, Constanta 900698, Romania.
SYNTHESIS The Hellenic Association for Transpersonal Psychology and Research
34 PavlouNirvana str. Halandri15231 Athens, Greece
In. Instituteof Consciousness-Exploration and Psychotherapy.
Freiburg Heinbachweg1A D – 79299 Wittnau, Germany
Institutde Rechercheet d'Etudeen ThérapieTranspersonnelle
44 rue de la chapelle 95310 Saint Ouenl'Aumône, France
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